LEED Certification

Stauf LEED Certification Credits USGBC

Stauf and LEED Certification and Credits

As a member of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), STAUF USA, LLC offers products which architects, builders, specifiers, and contractors use to qualify for LEED® points.

STAUF Adhesives qualify for credits under the LEED 2009 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS guidelines when LEED requirements are met, as follows:

Each Credit Qualifies as 1 Point

Click here to download a list of STAUF's LEED approved products, as well as a statement of participation by STAUF in the LEED and USGBC programs.

Applicants are encouraged to complete the LEED application which can be found at www.usgbc.org and clicking on LEED Online.